
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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Abstract:Family inter-generational relationship is not only an enrichment of the society, but also an important connection among family members which plays an important role in enhancing intergenerational communication. It is also one of the most important factors which affect the care giving for the aged. As a specific historical category, the family inter-generational relationship, along with social change, will have corresponding changes. Traditional China was characterized by self-sufficient agriculture and was deeply influenced by the social system and religious institution. With the implementation of the opening-up policy, China has undergone earth-shaking change. Researches on intergenerational relationships have attracted wide attention of Chinese scholars of various fields. They have analyzed and studied intergenerational relationships from different perspectives, such as sociology, cultural anthropology and demography. Valuable research results have been reached. This essay adopts the method documentary research to analyze and summarize previous research results, in the hope of finding the questions which exist in care giving for the aged.

Key words: generational relationship; family support for the elderly; society support for the elderly



