
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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关键词:国有企业 工作积极性 多元回归分析


Abstract: The State-owned enterprises of our country have established the modern enterprise system gradually. However, because of the late start, some contradictions caused by hysteresis quality factors and some new situations are increasingly prominent. The work incentives of employees need enhancing. Based on individual factor, the organization factor and the social environment factor which may affect Work incentives, the paper shows that staff's individual factor and the salary factor are most remarkable to Work incentives. Meanwhile, the internal leadership behavior and the colleague relate also have the relevance with staff’s Work incentives. Besides, the paper also shows the fact that the young knowledge staff demand training mostly. They also have the highest level of individual self-potency, the incentives to achievement and the self-encouragement.

Keywords: State-owned enterprises; work incentives; multiple regression analysis

