
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid development of non-public economy, which is especially rapid development of private SMEs. Private SMEs not only promoted China's economic growth, accelerate the development of productivity, more people provide a large number of jobs in our national economy is playing an increasingly important role. However, the social security system of private small and medium enterprises are not perfect, although all efforts have to pick up after several years, but there are still many problems to be improved. This paper dragon Electric Co., Ltd. Taicang employees of the survey, based on the chart through the summary of data processing, test analysis of private SMEs in Jiangsu prominent social security issues today, highlighting the uneven development of the insurance problem and made a number of private SMEs improve the social protection system, the improvement of private social security needs of small and medium state enterprises, the joint efforts of three employees.

Key Words: Private small and medium enterprises, social security, social insurance




