
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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Abstract: In recent years, brought by the quick urbanization, the large-scale land acquisition, together with the trend of population aging, has swept rural China. The construction of rural social security system for the land-lost old peasants has made many breakthroughs and achievements, and also faces new challenges and confusion. It has been noticed in the research that several factors ——like the large population, high age, low incomes, heavy burden in life and medical care, as well as less knowledge, poor understanding ability , weak consciousness of rights protection and less will to use effective science and technology——have led the aged land-lost peasants in a vulnerable position. The government often fails to make sound consideration and fully protect these vulnerable groups’ vital interests when taking the formulation and implementation of the social security policy. Based on the field survey of Banqiao area, the author writes this paper by the model of “policies-survey-advice” ,aiming to offer a better understand of the aged land-lost peasants facing urgent social security problems currently, help enhancing their voice in decision-making, provide targeted and valuable reference to the future formulation and implementation of social security policy.

Keywords: beneficiaries;old people without field; social security

