
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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关键字:人口老龄化  老年社会工作  社区工作 居家养老


Abstract: With the deepening degree of the aging of the china population, solving the problem of elderly community has become the focus of the society of the greatest concern. Among the many solutions, the effectiveness of the aging society work has become increasingly evident. However, professional social work in China is still in the exploratory research stage. The Elderly Social Work in China is facing many difficulties and challenges now, especially in rural areas. Based on this point, I hope that we can know problems in their lives and the plight of elderly social work in rural areas by the investigation. And we could discuss the development of the Elderly Social Work in rural areas to protect older people's life.

Keyword:Aging of the population   The Elderly Social Work Community Work   Home Care



