
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(怪叔叔)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-03-22
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关键词:非常了得   创新  受众心理


Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the mixed factors that contribute to the popularity of “extremely remarkable” including the innovation of the programming style , the combination of hosts, the  receiver psychology, as well as the application to the knowledge and argue that innovation plays a very important role in brand programs. What's more, this paper also provides some useful and flexible suggestions on the long-term development of the program.

Key Words: The Long Tail; extremely remarkable ; the  receiver psychology;innovation;


目前,我国电视行业竞争十分激烈,电视节目眼花缭乱,导致节目泛滥, 出现一窝蜂的克隆和模仿,节目同质化现象也越来越严重。总之,节目缺少个性,而没有个性的节目必然遭到淘汰。所以当务之急,节目必须实行创新改革,推出新的兴趣点和刺激点来满足受众。

