
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(heat000)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-03-28
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【关键词】导游 回扣 治理措施


【Abstract】With the rapid development of our country’s travel industry, the number of tour guides is growing sharply. As a front-line tourism worker facing tourists directly, the quality of a guide will determine the satisfaction of the trip. Nevertheless, tour guides violate to gain the rebate from touring products, which not only harm the interest of tourist, but also damage the image of sightseeing place and affect the healthy development of tourism. The author will discuss the solutions of rebate problem by analyzing several forms reasons of rebate in hope that the problem of rebate in tourism can be solved as soon as possible to provide the experience to the healthy development of tourism.

【Key words】guide ;rebate; treatment


