
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(heat000)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-03-28
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关键词: 文化资产; 非物质文化遗产; 保护;开发


Abstract:Intangible cultural heritage is an integral part of the Nanjing historical context.It has an irreplaceable value. However, under the new situation of economic transition and social transformation, the the Nanjing non-material culture face the challenges of the impact of foreign culture and modern civilization.Its survival is threatened. The paper first illustrates the cultural value of the intangible cultural heritage. And then under the perspective of cultural assets, the paper studies  the development status of the intangible cultural heritage in Nanjing.Finally it proposes the the Nanjing intangible cultural heritage protection and the use of path.

Key words:cultural assets;intangible cultural heritage;protect;development
