
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(白色球鞋)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-04-11
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关键字:导数; 微分;不等式;恒等式;导数的应用; 近似值


Abstract: Derivative is the important basic concepts in calculus. Derivative can solve the problem, including the extreme ,extremum, such as pure mathematics concept, but also to resolve the problems in our life, such as economic problems in the marginal function etc. The use of derivative problem solving greatly enriches the mathematics study, while training students thinking ability and interest in learning, improves students' ability of solving mathematical problem.

Key word: Derivative; Differential; Inequality; Identity;Derivative application ; approximate


  微积分的知识和方法在中学数学的许多问题上,能起到以简驭繁的作用,尤其体现在判定函数相关性质,证明不等式,恒等式及恒等变形,研究函数的变化形态及函数作图上。导数是微积分学中重要的基础知识, 是研究函数解析性质的重要手段,在求函数的极值方面起着“钥匙”的作用。中学数学中加入导数的基础知识不仅丰富了函数的基础知识,而且使得对函数内容以及对函数性质的研究更加完整化、系统化,在初等数学与高等数学中导数起着“桥梁”作用,为中学生进入高等学府后继续学习奠定了基础。
