
资料分类:经济学院 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-07
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关键词:上市公司  企业高管  薪酬激励


ABSTRACT:Listing Corporation face the opportunities and challenges in the new century, requirements of high-quality senior management staff, the key is to establish and improve the salary of senior management personnel incentive mechanism, scientific and reasonable compensation incentive mechanism can make the senior management team to play the best potential, to create the most value for enterprises, and unscientific unreasonable the salary incentive mechanism will not only hinder the enterprise senior management personnel to play, but also increase the operating costs of enterprises, and even lead to business failure. Aiming at the problem of listing Corporation senior management personnel salary incentive mechanism, this paper first introduced the related concept of salary incentive mechanism of listing Corporation and literature, then this paper discusses several models of executive compensation incentive of the listing Corporation, and analysis of the status quo of salary incentive design at home and abroad, the company executives and difference, after analysis of determinants, listing Corporation executives staff incentive and constructs the index system of the listing Corporation, enterprise incentive. 

Key Words:listed company;Business executives;Compensation incentive



