
资料分类:经济学院 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-07
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关键词:外商直接投资  产业结构  升级


ABSTRACT:China's accession to WTO, along with the increase in foreign investment, the investment environment and the structure of foreign investment has also been an unprecedented improvement. China's industrial structure along with the increase of foreign investment has been upgraded and optimized. At the same time, three industrial structure of China's foreign investment because of the tilt of a certain disparity. China has not yet fully utilized foreign investment, these long-term future for the development of our country are very unfavorable.China should accelerate the pace of foreign investment, the use of foreign direct investment to improve China's industrial structure upgrading, make the investment environment and the quality has been further improved; handle foreign investment and China's internal conflicts between national enterprises, foreign investment in a balanced investment between industries.

Keyword: Foreign Direct Investment; Industrial structure;Upgrade



