
资料分类:经济学院 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-07
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关键词:市场经济 公平 效率


ABSTRACT:Fairness and efficiency is an impassable problem of the development of human society, is the inevitable requirement for the progress of human civilization, and also a problem which any state want to stable economic development and social stability have to consider . Since the reform and opening up, the continuous development and improvement of China's market economy makes China has achieved rapid economic development. the level of People's income and living standard has been significantly improved, and the comprehensive national strength has also been significantly enhanced.But in making such remarkable achievements at the same time, the income gap is too large, the polarization trend obvious contradictions gradually sharp, affect the economic development and social stability. Therefore, correctly understand and handle the relationship between fairness and efficiency, has very important theoretical and practical significance.

    This paper use the historical analysis and logical analysis, and use the Marx dialectical materialism as guiding ideology, concept fairness and efficiency, analyzes the relationship between fairness and efficiency, and in the analysis foundation of western theory, carries on the investigation to the fair efficiency problems that existing at the present stage in China, analyzes its causes, and proposed solutions and corresponding measures.

Keywords: market economy;fairness;efficiency

