
资料分类:经济学院 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-07
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关键词:招商引资 西部大开发 投资环境 可持续发展


ABSTRACT:Investment refers to the government use of available resources policies to guide public opinion and propaganda, to carry out the construction of infrastructure, to create first-class investment environment to attract investors to the region, production and business activities. The investment is a product of the development of the economic zone, is the scope of the market economy. Can be said that where economic zone, where there is investment activities. Investment with the development of the economic zone development, but also to promote the development of the economic zone.

   Since the western development, western economy by leaps and soared, the economic level of the people is getting better and better. Especially in recent years, the western region to attract foreign capital to make full use of both international and domestic markets two kinds of resources, faster and faster pace of economic development in the western region, the economic structure is more and more perfect. But the western region to attract foreign investors, there are some problems. So that only the analysis of investment in the process of developing the western region, summed up the characteristics of the investment, identify problems, recognize the trends, in order to take the appropriate measures to fundamentally solve the existing problems, in the western region getting better and better and more harmonious development, to promote the sustainable development of the western region.

Keywords: investment;the large-scale development of the western region;  investment environment;sustainable development




