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关键词:知识流程外包  定义  发展背景  问题  发展趋势


ABSTRACT:With the development of economic globalization, Outsourcing Services has entered a new stage of development, in this new phase, the Knowledge Process Outsourcing with its high-tech, high-intensive features stand out.Especially in recent years, the rapid development of knowledge process outsourcing is steady, has become one of the most important contemporary forms of outsourcing.Knowledge process outsourcing as a high-end part of the service outsourcing.It is mainly based on the art of process outsourcing enabling enterprises to obtain high added value,Thus It improved the traditional service outsourcing based on the benefits of costs.Therefore, in this article a study of knowledge process outsourcing,Main illustrates in detail the definition of knowledge process outsourcing, development issues in the background, development and their development trend.And according to the understanding, I would like to make about the problem of the method.Finally, I also made a rough analysis of knowledge process outsourcing in China.

Keywords:Knowledge process outsourcing;   the definition;   development issues;   background;   development trend



