
资料分类:经济学院 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-07
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关键词:对外贸易摩擦  应对策略  贸易制度


ABSTRACT:International trade is an important part of the global economy,but also in the process of economic globalization,the trade liberalization makes the foreign trade occupy a more important position. Since China added to the WTO successfully in November 10,2001,foreign trade has become an important part in our economy,and China is a country that exports many goods. As a developing country,China has relatively inexpensive labor,large tracts of land resources,huge market. It’s the reason of many foreign companies choosing our country. But accompanied by the severe foreign trade environment and trade friction are hampered the development of China's foreign trade.

  In this article,the cause of China's foreign trade friction frequently increasing and friction characteristics in a bid to find the appropriate the best resource to improve China's foreign trade frictions ,from the external causes and internal causes of China's foreign trade friction,and from the perspective of business and government to analyze how to make adjustments to solve China's foreign trade development,trade friction encountered on China's foreign trade friction conducted a detailed analysis, strategies have to be evolved mitigation and suitable for China's foreign trade frictions. In a word,to solve China's foreign trade friction conflict won’t be completed in one day,and that we need to improve in our trade system and the industrial scale,improve our product quality,improve our business competitiveness in the foreign arena,adjust gradually in the foreign trade economy,thereby reducing China's foreign trade friction suffered losses.

Keywords:foreign trade friction;strategies;trade system

