
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(julu1004)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-12
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Abstract: The main target of the oil production engineering is to pump out the oil economically and effectively, reasonable scheme of oil production engineering has important influence on the development plan making of the reservoir and its economic benefits. The purpose of this paper is to develop economy and reasonable scheme of oil production engineering in views of the given geological and reservoir conditions and its fluid characteristics. Based on the reservoir productivity prediction of different moisture content, and using conventional rod production method and gas lift oil extraction method to make a production simulation, then finally,on the base of consideration of economic factors, the level of management,oil production and the adaptability of different lifting method,choose the best method and design the corresponding parameters. In views of the rapidly development of equipment technology,this paper made a full investigation, in determining the production project, considering the possibility of application of new extraction equipment.The result of this design is value to increase the oil production.

Key words: oil production; rod pumping; gas lift; equipment
