
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(julu1004)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-12
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Abstract:During the drilling, well deviation is a common problem, it is directly related to the quality of the well bore and the speed of drilling. For decades, efforts of the people in this area has made great progress ,the technical level  in drilling deviation control  has been greatly improved. But the current development situation, the well deflection has not been fundamentally resolved. Drilling deviation control technology is not yet made ​​a qualitative breakthrough, Although, in the same time improve penetration rate , the drilling workers has long been of great concern on how to effectively control the well deviation . PDC bit is developed in the 1980s, which cutter is the polycrystalline diamond compact , the PDC bits can get the higher rate of penetration with small drill pressure . that makes its higher unit time drilling footage ,which can reduce the cost of drilling. This makes the PDC bit has been widely used in drilling engineering. Using the ADINA software analyzes the process of bit rock.Analyze the force of the bit. In the process of drilling practice, though the efforts of the researchers continue efforts on the basis of summing up all kinds of anti-deflection BHA, the single bend screw drill due to the characteristics of their own structure, the principle of single curved screw drill to control the well deviation is how to increase the lateral force of the drill bit from the drill itself. Compared with the traditional anti-oblique drill , the single bend screw drill has the more significant the effect of control hole deviation, and the structure use of single-bend screw drill and PDC drill bit  ,can get good effect under the conditions of a low pressure, high drilling rate .compared with the ordinary drill ,the single bend screw drill can get 2-4 times higher the number of  PDC bit cutting the sidewall. Therefore, the single bending screw has the strong deviation control capabilities.

Key words: single bend screw; PDC bit ;deviation control;ADINA  software.
