
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(julu1004)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-12
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Abstract: This design for SuZhong chemical warehouse storage company product oil storage depot storage process design . The design of Suzhong oil depot takes advantage of the the Long River’s shoreline transportation and plays the geographical advantage of its riverside. The design is located in JiangYin which is set in rivers、lakes、sea transport and it is a major transport hub. The design of the Yangzhou Yangtze River water and land transport depot is to focus on transfer and sale of an oil depot and it supplys superior conditions of transfution and storage of oil for the surrounding areas.The design includes tank capacity in oil storage tank area and the number of which is to be determined, sending and receiving oil pipeline process design, freeing oil pumping station and installation and calculation of land shipments field, and fire system design within the oil deport. Meanwhile, the selected devices were checked to ensure its performance。Considering the problem of Depot flow coefficient  which is too high in some existing oil deport, the increase in oil demand in the design of tank capacity were taken into account in the next eight years, the increase in oil demand. The design is based on《The rule of oil depot design》GBJ50074-2002 and Pumping stations, fire and other related design standard to ensure the safe operation of oil depots. According to the feather of the oil deport which is set of commercial warehousing and depot to transfer the finished product、sales、etc,the design also takes into account the type and seasonal fluctuations in oil, so that the reservoir area has a strong adaptability and also improves the utilization of the equipment.

Key word: petroleum depot  technology  fire fighting system  pump
