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Abstract:The physical classroom is not alive , students are not interested in physics, so that students is boring to physics, leading to less effective in physics teaching. Many students are unwilling to choose physics when they choose subjects. For such a situation, the paper is committed to find some way to change this state to find the discipline's fundamental physics -- experiment. Bye this way the physical is no longer so boring, and Physics experiment by magic to package will attract more students. Then the students would be interested in physics, the students can learn physics better.

Key words:Physics teaching; Magic; Magic and experiment


  魔术中包含了很多物理知识,如果我们赋魔术于物理实验教学中,每个人都喜欢魔术,在物理实验教学中引入魔术,魔术能引起学生注意, 激起求知的欲望, 唤醒学生积极、主动探究知识的欲望, 产生持久的好奇心。本文以就几个常见的魔术为例,运用物理知识揭示了魔术的奥秘,并让它以表演的形式呈现在我们的物理课堂上,让我们的物理课堂变得生动有趣,让更多的同学都喜欢物理,对物理产生浓厚的兴趣。

