
资料分类:理工论文 VIP会员(姐妹花)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-14
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关键词:整合; 校外; 物理课程资源


Abstract:In the curriculum resources are widely used today, how to develop and use curriculum resources is the majority of the physical one of the major problems facing teachers. The school curriculum resources are rich, large, with open, with its lively and personal involvement so that students can give students a wide range of information to stimulate, to mobilize students to participate in a variety of sensory activities to stimulate student interest, to students on the ground, in the pleasure in the growth of knowledge, capacity, and character cultivation. The author in conjunction with their shallow investigation and research, how to integrate external resources to do the physical course some elaboration.

Key words: integrate; external; Physics Resources



