
资料分类:思想政治 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-01
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Abstract:With the acceleration of urbanization, more and more migrant workers and farmers into a variety of large and medium-sized cities, in the ensuing is migrant workers housing problem. As Marx said, housing is one of the most basic human survival conditions, nowadays, there are nearly 300 million migrant workers in our country, but the number of available housing, the housing environment and supporting facilities are not followed, most of them stay in the most basic configuration. And relative to their salary, the cost of housing they are often difficult to bear. Therefore, for this part of the group, we will study the current housing policy, particularly with regard to migrant workers housing policy. And I pay more attention for this policy is that if increase housing subsidies for migrant workers and perfect the housing policy of migrant workers for existing local residents is fair.

Key words:Migrant workers、The housing situation、Housing policy、Fair question、perfect
