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关键词:社区治理 多元组织 合作共治 网络关系 组织结构创新


Abstract:Community governance is a diverse community organizations collaborate to form a network of relationships among the organizations provide a variety of community affairs, ongoing process. And during the formation of network relationships between organizations that constitute the perspective of community governance structure. Pingjiang community ‘1 +4’ structure of community organizational innovation, based on party leaders, neighborhood autonomy, workstations for government functions and services for residents Affairs optimal combination of community service, so that the original chaotic system of community structure and function on to clear and defined. The perspective of governance, organizational structure should reflect the community by ‘being organized’ to ‘self-organization’ changes, the vertical structure on the relationship between party and government leaders of course is needed, and the community both party and government organizations should work with other community two-way organizational development guidance, consultation, co-operative parallel and horizontal structural relationship. Community governance is gradually showing a government and community co-management, social forces to participate in community self-organized pattern of full self-government functions, which will become the path of reference for community development.

Key Words: Community governance   Multiple organizations   Collaborate   Networking Organization   Innovation



