
资料分类:思想政治 VIP会员(园丁小瞳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-09-26
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关键字:行政监督  体制  完善


Abstract:How to further improve and strengthen the administrative supervision work in China, and turn China into a has the Chinese characteristic socialism democracy and the rule of law countries, is the major issues new time. Based on the theory of China's administrative supervision system, especially based and connotation of combining the current situation and problems in our country's administrative supervision administrative supervision areas which exists in the "difficult prison", "leak", "of the prison prison" and "soft prison" four difficulty. The existing problems and around, combining administrative supervision organs of internal and external supervision function of implementing subject, and puts forward the security supervision through reform and perfect China's administrative supervision system efforts with the direction of the specific countermeasures.

Key words : Administrative supervision   system    betterment




