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ABSTRACT:A documentary produced by CCTV in 2012 - \"on the tip of the tongue of China\" rapid leap up is red, one of the reason is that, in the documentary broadcast last night, the director Chen Xiaoqing on his own microblog written sentence, also with a poster of \"the tip of the tongue of China\" the plain and unadorned microblog played a large role, "on the tip of the tongue of China\" broadcast ratings from low rise all the way, at the height of the documentary have never reached before. "On the tip of the tongue of China\" every success, caused by the "tongue" of the avalanche of the butterfly effect. Hit at the same time, the network is to let the newfound popularity could be netizens even will be similar to the form and content of the subject matter, nicknamed \"the tip of the tongue body\", especially on microblog, the tip of the tongue on the tsinghua university, Peking University on the tip of the tongue and other various \"the tip of the tongue body\" began to have sprung up. \"The tip of the tongue\" even became the catchword of 2012, the power of microblogging is not estimated, using microblog marketing for Chinese documentary propaganda, may achieve an unexpected effect, microblog marketing is relatively emerging new media, microblog as business marketing platform, games, movies,documentaries, etc, using microblog this platform to achieve the purpose of marketing, with fans on microblog dissemination and communication, and other traditional marketing, the microblog marketing's ultimate purpose is to promote subject to achieve the effect of propaganda. Simply use microblog marketing advantage for the spread of China's television documentary is immeasurable! 

Keywords: China's TV documentaries; "On the tip of the tongue of China" ; The traditional media ; The microblogging marketing; transmission

