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摘要: 本文通过文献资料法,观察法,问卷调查法等研究方法,对建水县城区广场老年人体育活动的现状进行调查与分析。研究表明,建水县城区广场大多数的老年人在活动场地上选择了文安府广场,以增强体质、延年益寿为主要的动机,在活动时间段基本选择了在早晨,活动时间大多数都是在60分钟以上,大多数老年人都是和朋友一起进行体育活动,男性老年人主要是以老年健身操为主,女性老年人主要是以广场舞为主;影响建水县城区广场老年人体育活动的主要因素是缺少组织和技术指导。本文的主要目的在于了解建水县城区广场老年人体育活动的现状,并为今后建水县能更好地发展老年人体育活动提供相关的理论依据。



ABSTRACT:This paper through the literature material method, observation method, questionnaire survey method and other methods, jianshui to urban square the elderly sports current situation of investigation and analysis. Research shows that urban square in jianshui most of the old people in the field of the earth chose to wen fu square, in order to build up his body and prolong life as the main motivation, in the activity time basic chose in the morning, activity time most are in 60 minutes or more, most elderly people are and friends together for sports activities, the male old people is mainly elderly setting-up exercise is given priority to, the elderly women mainly is by the square dance is given priority to, Jianshui influence urban square the elderly sports activities of the main factor is the lack of organization and technical guidance. The main purpose is to understand how jianshui city square.

Keywords:  City Square; The elderly; Sports activities



