
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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关键词 社会保险 乡镇企业 劳动关系


Abstract: The medium-sized and small township enterprises have the most flexible and diversified employment system among all the kinds of corporation . The labor-intensive industry is in a great measure.And The Labor Contract Law brings new risks and challenges to the cost of labor , employment rules and legal employment.The focus of this dissertation is the real situation about labor cost, empresaria’s processing method and employees’ attitude to the social insurace.In a word, the ratio of joining in social insurance has developed,as the same time,the law is in favor of the protection to the labor’s right after The Labor Contract Law implemented.But some kinds of phenomena still exist,such as,small township enterprises evade the legal responsibility to join in the social insurance, casual workers and migrant workers reject to join in. It needs the supervising by government departments,the business owner’ autonomy and the emplorees’ consciousness of maintenance about their legal rights to propel the social insurance forward.

Key words : social insurance  township enterprises  labor relation



