
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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关键词:赋权 女性社会工作 主动性


Abstract: The second women's revolution gave birth to the women's empowerment movement which after began and spread. Introduce empower women in social work has been a new perspective in social work at the current stage of the new content. This research paper examines the current self-empowerment of women on the issue of feasibility. Through summarizing the theory of the researches on the empowerment and the development I have defined the empowerment of women in the three active demands. In my investigation, in the economic level of women's empowerment and social level there are still active of the inadequacy and lack. Then, to analyze the results of the survey, I conducted five different levels of consciousness, including the individual's awareness and empowerment of women in the imperfect environment. Finally, I put forward to the measures proposed route so as to strengthen the local progress of the women social work in China, which came from both the angle of the individual and the society.

Key words:empowerment  woman social work  initiative





