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   目前,我国大部分医院仍实行国家规定的工资等级制度,缺乏严谨考核的线性工资政策,这已经不能适应现阶段时代的发展,因此探索一个适合现代医院发展的薪酬激励体系迫在眉睫。本文以A医院为典型个案,运用全面薪酬理论对A医院员工薪酬激励的影响因素进行分析,探究薪酬激励中存在的问题与原因,研究现有条件下如何对员工进行合理有效的薪酬激励,并对医院等事业单位薪酬制度的重构提出相应的对策建议。 全文包括五个部分,第一部分是导论部分,包括研究背景、研究目的与意义和本文的研究思路和方法。第二部分,薪酬和薪酬制度的基本概念,对薪酬的定义、薪酬的构成以及意义做了概述,并且重点分析了薪酬中的激励部分,突出了激励理论和我国医院薪酬制度现状的分析研究。第三部分,以A医院薪酬体系的激励性为研究对象,在介绍A医院的概况和原有薪酬管理体系的基础上,着重对现行薪酬制度的激励性进行了分析研究,并且提出了存在的问题和可能导致的消极影响。第四部分,A医院薪酬制度的优化设计,基于激励性理论提出该医院薪酬变革思路以及未来可实施的薪酬设计方案。最后是结语部分,对论文取得的成果、论文的不足和展望做了一番陈述。

关键词:医院 激励 薪酬体系 绩效


Abstract:Compensation management is the organization provided for all employees that they should be working to determine the total compensation, pay structures.Compensation used as an important part in order to continue the development of competitive advantage for the organization.Reasonable pay systems can attract talents ,improve innovation and enhance the core competitiveness of the source of the organization,so research organizations pay incentives is essential. 

   At present, most hospitals are still required to implement the national system of wage.The lack of rigorous evaluation of the linear wage policy,which can not adapt to the times at this stage of development,so explore the development of a modern hospital for the salary incentive system is imminent. 

   This paper uses the hospital A as a typical case,through the Comprehensive Theory salaries to study the factors which affecting the incentive problems and causes of existing conditions, how to pay employees a reasonable and effective incentives, hospitals and other institutions on the reconstruction of pay system.

   The paper consists of five parts, the first part is the introduction part, including the background, purpose, ideas and methods of this study. The second part of the basic pay and pay systems, the definition of remuneration. The significance of the composition of remuneration were outlined,highlighting the incentive pay system theory and the status of hospital analysis. The third part, study the incentive pay system of hospital A, an overview of the introduction and the original hospital A salary management system and proposed the existence of problems and the negative effects which it may lead to.Part IV, the optimal design of the salary system of hospital A, incentive-based theory of the hospital pay changes can be implemented and the future pay design. Finally, the conclusion part is about the achieved results and the prospect of the paper. 

Keywords:   hospital,   performance ,   inspiration,the compensation salary system

