
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-24
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关键词:流动儿童 青春期教育 城市化


Abstract:China is characterized as urbanization and industrialization, and a large number of rural-urban migrant children are rightly under the such impact. These migrant children move from the county sides to cities with their parents in the critical period of growth. When adolescence is conflicted with urbanization, how and what impact has brought to their adolescent education. This paper, taking the migrant children as object, analyzes adolescent education among the families、schools and the communities with the methods of questionnaire and interview. After careful study, we find that family is the key point with the tendency of low age of urbanization. In addition, the mode of community education will be a new way to conduct adolescent education, followed with establishment of registration of migrant children.

Key words: Migrant Children; Adolescent Education; Urbanization



